Honestly...I'm Terrified.

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog! If I were to describe what you may expect from me, 'spontaneous insight' would do it justice. This year I plan on being in so many different places and learning so many different things that I'm not quite sure my blog will have a consistent mission. My current hope is this: that I may impart whatever adventures I'm currently in the middle of colorfully and considerately. I love to stay connected with my friends and family and I believe that no matter where I am this year, my blog can help me continue to do that.
Now, I've never been persnickety ( OoOoOoh I just HAD to use that word...it's fabulous ) about formality so I'm just going to jump right into this.
Now, it's probably about time I told you why I'm terrified.
My name is Chloe Joy. I'm sixteen, I'm a redhead, and I'm covered in freckles. My dog's name is Romeo and my cat's name is Ivy. You may or may not have already known all of this and everything I've said are facts, but they're not enough. I'm terrified because all of this is incredibly easy to say but what isn't easy for me to say are things like, "I'm proud, belligerent, mean, and selfish." That is the truth. I'm terrified because through writing in this blog I'm learning how to separate the facts from the truth. More than anything right now I want to learn how to be perfectly honest with the people I love and I'm going to start by using this blog. So please, if you're a friend of mine, do the same for me. That's why I'm terrified.
To everyone at home I miss you oobers and oobers!
Tomorrow I will post my very first blog in CALIFORNIA!

All my love,

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Lorie Pavao said...

LOVE the layout of your blog! Excited to see you start this and looking forward to your writings. I miss you! ~Channah

allison said...

you're so freakin' adorable i want to just squish you!

(ahem.) great blog chloe! i'm looking forward to reading about your journeys, both the ones taken in the world, and the ones taken in your heart.

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